Duck Breed Comparison Guide
We rounded up the most popular duck breeds so you can quickly find a good match for you (and them). These is a mix of different breeds, some ducklings are very easy to find; like pekin, khaki campbell, and indian runner, where on the other end, the more rare and heritage duck breeds, like saxony, magpie, and cayuga will take some research and resources ($$).
What are you looking for...egg production or good breeders?
More Ducks → If your plan is to raise ducks to expand your flock, you'll want a broody (mothering) duck breed (along with a drake to fertilize the eggs) to help hatch and raise ducklings.
More Eggs → If your plan is focused on egg production, you won't want a broody duck breed but a breed of duck that’s known to be a high egg layer. Ducks that are less broody have no problem laying eggs and leaving them where they lie.
What does it mean to go broody in a duck breed?
The likelihood that your duck's mothering instincts will kick in and she'll want to sit on her eggs to hatch them. You'll know a duck is broody because she will refuse to leave her nest and may become more aggressive when she is ready to lay eggs.
The broody phase can last up to 3 weeks and your duck will not lay any new eggs during this time. If there's no drake to fertilize the eggs, you'll need to stop your duck from sitting on the clutch. Otherwise, your duck will be putting her body through unnecessary stress with no results.
Pro Tip → Any breed can "go broody" for a number of reasons. Collecting eggs every day helps avoid kick-starting this phase.
If you're just getting started, check out our growth and feed timeline. This helpful duck raising overview will walk you through what to expect when ducklings arrive on day one and then grow into mature waterfowl.
Best duck breed by category (IMHO - Quack!)
Most Docile → Rouen
Best Free Range Forager → Saxony
Best Colored Duck Eggs → Cayuga
Best for Meat Production → Pekin
Best Meat Bird (Runner-up) → Muscovy ducks
More Rare → Silver Appleyard
Best for Pet → Swedish Blue
Best for Mothering → Welsh Harlequin
Best White Feathers → Aylesbury
Best Egg Layer → Khaki Campbell
Most Eye-Catching → Crested
Most Eye-Catching (Runner-Up) → Ancona
Best Dual-Purpose (Egg + Meat) → Buff Orpington
Most Adorable → Call Ducks
Most Unusual Feature → Muscovy ducks
Best For Pond-Less Yards → Indian Runner
Duck Breed Egg Production and Flock Expansion Cheat Sheet
Here’s a side-by-side breed comparison to help you decide if you’d like to have a larger flock or more duck eggs.
Duck Breed | Yearly Egg Production | Flock Expansion |
Ancona | 210 - 280 | Fair to Good |
Aylesbury | 35 - 125 | Poor to Fair |
Australian Spotted | 50 - 125 | Excellent |
Buff Orpington | 150 - 250 | Fair to Good |
Khaki Campbell | 250 - 340 | Poor to Fair |
Cayuga | 100 - 150 | Good |
Dutch Hookbill | 100 - 225 | Good |
Magpie | 220 - 290 | Fair to Good |
Rouen | 30 - 125 | Poor to Good |
Indian Runner | ~200 | Poor to Fair |
Saxony | 190 - 240 | Fair to Good |
Silver Appleyard | 200 - 270 | Fair to Good |
Swedish Blue | 100 - 150 | Fair to Good |
Welsh Harlequin | 240 - 330 | Poor to Good |
Crested | 100 - 130 | Poor to Fair |
Call | 25 - 75 | Fair to Good |
Pekin | 150 - 200 | Poor to Fair |