Duckling Temperature Chart and Common Heat Problems
Depending on your particular climate, ducklings will need a supplemental heat source, like a heat lamp (not our recommendation due to fire hazard) or ducklingbrooder (what we use and recommend), in their enclosure until they’re a fully feathered young adult duck. When raising ducks, you’ll need to make sure that you’re adjusting the brooder temperature weekly! Here's a beginner guide on how to slowly adjust the temperature from the first week until they’re ready to go outside. Help your ducklings grow up to be healthy, happy waterfowl.
Day 1 Brooder Temp: 90° F | Week 4 Brooder Temp: 69 - 63° F |
Week 1 Brooder Temp: 90 - 84° F | Week 5 Brooder Temp: 62 - 56° F |
Week 2 Brooder Temp: 83 - 77° F | Week 6 Brooder Temp: ~55° F |
Week 3 Brooder Temp: 76 - 70° F | Week 7+ If fully feathered and it's not extremely cold, ducks are ready to live outside. |

Too Hot → Ducklings are pressed up against the perimeter of their enclosure, making little to no noise, possibly panting and spreading their wings.
Too Cold → Baby ducks are crowded in the center, possibly making distressed noises and in a huddle for the majority of waking hours.
Drafty → Young ducklings are sticking to one area of their enclosure. Check for drafts or uneven temperature distribution.
Just Right → Baby ducklings are roaming around their enclosure and are evenly distributed during waking hours because their body temperature is in the ideal state.
Raising Ducklings Brooder Setup and Supply Recommendation
Pine shavings (wood shavings, except cedar do not use)
Brooder* (Usually labeled for baby chicks)
Kiddie pool
Low water dish with clean water
Duckling feeder
Unmedicated chick starter (also labeled as chick feed or starter feed)
Brewers yeast for extra niacin (chick starter doesn’t have enough)
*They don’t need a duck house yet. They’ll spend a good amount of time sleeping under the duck brooder. You’ll need to raise the height as the baby ducks grow taller so they can continue to fit underneath.